How To Lose Weight On A Treadmill In 2 Weeks

A treadmill is a multipurpose cardio device that can also aid in weight loss if that is your objective. Working out on a treadmill provides additional advantages outside only aiding in weight loss. Do you want to learn how to lose weight on a treadmill in 2 weeks?

Nearly every gym has a treadmill, making it a convenient alternative for people of all fitness levels. Furthermore, treadmills can easily be added to your private gym if you prefer to work out there. It’s easier than you might think to lose weight on a treadmill in a month! The quickest method will be covered in this blog post.

For those who are just starting, we will also offer some pointers and counsel. Let’s look at the fundamentals of using a treadmill to lose weight as well as some potential training strategies. So continue reading if you want to lose a few pounds!

How Much Weight Can You Lose In 2 Weeks On A Treadmill

Expect to be underwhelmed from the outset. In particular, according to the data, a beginner burns 2 pounds each month while using a treadmill. But don’t worry; we’ll tell you what the statistics indicate and then develop a much better plan to hasten your weight reduction.

The logical course of action is as follows:

You must be new to using treadmills and probably even fitness in general if you’re reading this. You probably will run or stroll for 15 to 30 minutes each day.

Additionally, experts advise against using the treadmill every day, particularly if you are sore. That implies that you’ll utilize it perhaps three or four times per week.

Three elements that affect your efforts to lose weight are already apparent to you:

  • Spending time on a treadmill
  • Speed (walk vs. run)
  • Spent time each week

We are also aware that 3500 calories must be burned in order to drop one pound of weight.

You may anticipate burning the following number of calories on your treadmill in 30 minutes:

  • 60 calories at 2 mph,
  • 120 calories at 3.5 mph,
  • 240 calories at 5 mph,
  • 300 calories at 6 mph,
  • 375 calories at 7.5 mph

Of course, your genes, maturity, gender orientation, and your fat-to-muscle proportion also play a role in these numbers. The most calories will be burned if you are younger, male, have a fast metabolism, and have higher body fat.

So, how much weight can you drop in a month by using a treadmill?

You are consuming 60–120 calories per 30 minutes per day, which equates to 240–480 calories per week and 960–1920 calories per month. A 0.3 to 0.6 pound reduction in weight results from this. In contrast, losing 2 pounds by running for 30 minutes per day, four times a week, at 6 mph.

How To Lose Weight On A Treadmill In 2 Weeks – Top 5 Ways

As above we have discussed the basics of weight loss on a treadmill, now we should step forward to the step-by-step procedure on how to lose weight on a treadmill in 2 weeks. We have discussed 5 proven ways that you can implement to lose weight effectively within 2 weeks.

1. High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

Consecutive sets of vigorous exercise and relaxation constitute high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Based on a 2017 study according to a reliable source, HIIT exercises can be a quick and efficient technique to burn calories and reduce body fat. The goal is to work out intensely for brief intervals while taking breaks in between.

This helps with weight loss because it burns a lot of calories. Additionally, your body makes an effort to transition back to a normal resting state following a HIIT workout. It accomplishes this by utilizing body fat as fuel. Here’s how to perform HIIT on a treadmill:

  • Make sure the treadmill is flat. To warm up, stroll for 5 minutes at 2 mph.
  • Run for 30 seconds at 9 to 10 mph.
  • Walking for 60 seconds at 3 to 4 mph.
  • Iterate 5–10 times.
  • To cool down, stroll for 5 minutes at 2 mph.

Alternate sprints and jogs for a more challenging workout. Additionally, you can extend the time for each high-intensity set. Your high-intensity periods should last for approximately twice as long as your rest periods.

2. Find Your Fat-burning Zone

Working out on the treadmill while maintaining your fat-burning pulse rate can assist you in losing weight. You spend the most calories in a minute in this zone. You must first figure out your peak heart rate to determine your fat-burning range.

Your heart can beat no more than this many times in a minute of activity. 220 minus your age is your maximal heart rate. Your peak heart rate, for instance, is 180 beats a minute if you are 40 years old (220 – 40 = 180).

70 percent of your maximum heart rate is typically considered to be your fat-burning threshold. Your fat-burning region is 70% of 180 beats per minute, or 126 beats per minute if your maximum cardiac rate is 180 beats per minute. (180 x 0.70 = 126).

You can determine how hard you should work to assist in weight loss using this number. Here’s one approach:

  • A heart rate monitoring device should be worn on the wrist or chest. Flatten the treadmill.
  • To warm up, stroll for 5 minutes at 2 mph.
  • Decide on a 2 percent inclination. Jog for one minute at approximately 4 mph.
  • Until you reach your fat-burning zone, run at 8 to 10 mph. At this heart rate, run for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Jog for one minute at around 4 mph.
  • To cool down, stroll for 5 minutes at 2 mph.

Although the typical fat-burning ratio is 70%, everyone is distinct. The fat-burning zone may be reached by some people at 55 percent of their maximal heart rate, while it may take longer for others to hit 80 percent. It relies on several variables, including sex, age, level of fitness, and health issues.

You might also decrease the speed of the treadmill to enter your fat-burning phase. For optimum weight loss, a fitness instructor can assist in determining your ideal pace and heart rate.

3. Get out of a track

Altering your schedule is another way to lose weight when using a treadmill. You can: By switching up your workouts, you can: 

  • Reduce the possibility of injury: Your joints will suffer if you consistently do the same exercise. You could have an overuse injury as a result, which raises your risk.
  • Avoid hitting a training ceiling: Fewer results will be seen the more often you perform a particular exercise. To advance, your body needs to be challenged.
  • Avoid being bored: If you frequently change up your exercise, you’re more inclined to stay with your program.

Here is an example of a workout schedule that incorporates several treadmill routines into a well-rounded exercise program:

  • Sunday: Relax, go for a stroll, or practice moderate yoga
  • Monday: 20 to 30 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill.
  • Tuesday: Muscular endurance and a light jog on the treadmill
  • Wednesday: Rest, a stroll, or light yoga
  • Thursday: A quick jog on the treadmill and strength training
  • Friday: 20 to 30 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill.
  • Saturday: Bodyweight exercise or a barre class

4. Include Hills

Add hills to a treadmill workout to increase the difficulty. Since your body needs to work better, fast walking or incline running causes you to metabolize more calories.

More muscles are also activated as a result, which helps to increase the amount of muscle that is lean. Due to the fact that muscle burns more calories than fat, this aids in weight loss.

Try the following treadmill exercises if you want to work out on an incline:

  • Flatten the treadmill. To warm it up, stroll for 5 minutes at 2 mph.
  • Decide on a 1 percent elevation. Jog for a minute at 4 to 6 mph.
  • Every minute, up the inclination by 1%. Continue until the incline is between 8 and 10 percent.
  • Every minute, lower the incline by 1 percent. Continue until you reach an incline of 0 to 1 percent.
  • To cool it down, stroll for 5 minutes at 2 mph.

The typical speed range is between 4 and 6 mph. To make this exercise more difficult, raise the speed or the number of minutes. Raise the inclination by 0.5 percent each minute for a simpler variation. Repeat this process until you achieve an incline of 4 to 5 percent, and then move backward.

5. Get Into A Calorie Deficit

Let’s begin by dropping one pound, then increase our monthly weight loss to ten. A 3,500-calorie deficit is required to lose 1 pound of weight. Exercise and calorie restriction in your diet are the two most effective ways to do this.

The secret is to avoid drastically reducing your calorie intake because working out requires a lot of nutrients. If you exercise patience when dieting, the weight will stay off permanently.

If you consume too few calories, you won’t follow the plan and you’ll regain your previous weight. The number of calories you need to burn off to lose weight varies on your starting weight.

FAQ About Lose Weight On A Treadmill In 2 Weeks 

How much weight can you lose in a month treadmill?

Losing 10 pounds in a month is feasible with a good diet and consistent treadmill use. A weight reduction of 1 to 2 pounds each week, however, may be more lasting in the long run. If you get to the best treadmill for senior walking it’ll help you out in greater benefits.

How long should you go on a treadmill to lose weight?

For maximum health advantages, including weight loss, one must typically walk on a treadmill for 300 minutes per week. 43 to 44 minutes of daily walking is required to attain this objective. This will assist you in burning 1 kilogram every week.

Will 30 minutes a day on the treadmill help me lose weight?

You can eliminate belly fat by walking on a treadmill for 30 min a day, but you must also do a few additional things. Numerous advantages of treadmill walking include enhanced cardiovascular health and weight loss.

Final Verdict

A treadmill can be used as a form of cardiovascular exercise, which is a wonderful method for burning calories and losing weight. If you’re unclear about the treadmill workout that will help you the most, speak with a qualified personal trainer.

They can work with you to create a special treadmill weight loss strategy. You now understand how to lose weight on a treadmill in two weeks. Hope this content helped you with the necessary details to move on today!