Medic Therapeutics Vibrating Fitness Platform Reviews

Do you wish to exercise more? Do you have trouble getting motivated to work out? The Medic Therapeutics Vibrating Fitness Platform might be the solution for you! This machine is designed to provide an effective workout in only 15 minutes. It’s small, lightweight, and portable so it can go anywhere with ease.

If that sounds like something you could use in your life, keep reading to learn more about this exercise machine. I wanted to be sure this thing worked, so I put it to the test. However, before I get into how this best vibration machine performed for me, let’s look at what makes it unique.

Medic Therapeutics Vibrating Fitness Platform Reviews

Key Features

  • Improve overall fitness and flexibility
  • Develop strength and coordination
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Reap the benefits of massage therapy in the comfort of your own home!
  • T work muscles you didn’t even know you had.

Comparison Between Medic Therapeutics Vibrating Fitness Platform vs Nimto Vibration Plate Exercise Machine

Medic Therapeutics Special Edition Vibrating Fitness Platform

  • 15 levels of intensity on a 45-degree angle
  • Two user-defined weight loss programs and 2 preset programs for different fitness goals
  • It comes with a wireless heart rate monitor to track your progress as you work out.
  • 25 different workout routines to keep things from getting boring
  • Portable – perfect for those who want to have an intense, efficient workout on the go.

NIMTO Vibration Plate Exercise Machine

  • 3 Plate vibration modes- low, medium, high. The most compact design on the market – folds up without losing any power.
  • Fits user heights 5’5 or above to 6 feet or taller. It has 100 different levels of intensity to work with.
  • It comes with workout resistance bands and a heavy-duty link chain for maximum strength.
  • 10 preset workout routines, 2 custom workouts. It comes with handles for extra resistance training.
  • Perfect for those who travel frequently or want something that they can take on the go.

What Users Are Saying About Medic Therapeutics Vibrating Fitness Platform

Users have said that this machine is light and easy to use. They also note that the vibrations were very intense, and they liked how it took little time to accomplish their workout regimen. It seems like people love this product, and it’s getting a lot of positive attention.

“I received the pink and black model in my home gym. When it arrived, the setup was incredibly easy and only required inserting a screwdriver into the legs to add tension so they wouldn’t wobble when in use. Once I had completed that step, It was time to put the vibration machine lymphatic drainage through its paces

I decided that I would start with a standing leg workout, and what better way to see how this device performs than that? It only took me about five minutes into my workout to feel like I was going insane because of how intense it felt.

However, I didn’t want to give up. I pushed myself to keep going until the workout was complete. It’s not for the faint of heart, although it is.

Although using this machine is pretty difficult, it does show results very quickly. My legs felt like jello after just one 15-minute leg workout, and it wasn’t long before my arms were feeling that same burn as well!

I recommend this machine for people who want to get in shape and don’t mind putting in a little extra effort. Although it is an investment, it does well in small spaces and won’t take up much room.

What Are The Key Features of Medic Therapeutics Vibrating Fitness Platform

Design and Function

The design of this machine is sleek and modern. It has a small footprint, so it doesn’t take too much room, but you still want to ensure enough space for smooth movements.

The machine weighs just under eleven pounds and can be easily stored anywhere in your home or office, making it the perfect addition to any fitness regimen.

The machine is designed to strengthen the lower and upper body and the abdominals and has no problem with looping you into an intense workout within just a few minutes.

The vibrations are enough to keep your muscles engaged but not so much that it becomes uncomfortable. This product is excellent for people of all ages, fitness levels, and abilities.

Power and Performance

The machine has a power source using two double-A batteries, which are not included with the purchase. The performance is smooth and easy to manage without causing any discomfort or worry that the vibrations will get out of control.

The design is durable and lightweight, so you can keep going without worrying about breaking anything or getting too worn out.

Affordable and Compact

There is a one-year limited warranty for this machine, so you can get replacements at no extra charge to yourself if anything breaks. This machine does not require cords or wires and proves easy storage in small spaces around your home, making it feel versatile without being overwhelming. The design is sleek and modern but still provides a good workout.

Convenience and Comfort

There are twelve different speeds to choose from on this product. This allows you to adjust the speed as needed to make sure your workout feels comfortable but continues at a steady pace throughout.

The vibrations will not leave you feeling worn out, which is excellent for those who have used similar machines before. You don’t have to worry about ending your workout early because of discomfort.

Safe To Use

Even though this machine is designed for those who want to get an intense workout, it’s still safe to use. You will not have to worry about getting too worn out or feeling pain from the vibration plate for elderly.

The speeds on this product are adjustable, so you can shift as needed without having to worry about stopping mid-workout because of discomfort.

FAQ About Medic Therapeutics Vibrating Fitness Platform

Is this machine strong enough for a full-body workout?

Although this machine is designed more to give the lower body and upper body a good workout, it can be used to tone your legs, arms, abs, back, and shoulders.

What Makes It Different?

There are plenty of reasons that exercise equipment may seem cumbersome or inconvenient – especially if you’re looking to get a full-body workout.

One of the biggest reasons people don’t work out is that they feel their time is limited and can’t fit it into their schedule. This fitness platform may be the solution if you have found yourself in this boat.

The Vibrating Fitness Platform is small enough to fit into any size room. It’s also lightweight enough to carry into that room with ease. You can take it anywhere you want to go because there is no power cord needed – the machine runs on batteries! There are various resistance levels (and different speeds to choose from), so anyone can work out at their own pace.

How Did I Use It?

I tried this fitness platform out for myself for over 30 days. After about 5 minutes on this thing, I knew that it was much simpler than other types of exercise equipment I had used in the past. All you need to do is choose your resistance level (I chose 3) and then plug in one of the four speeds.

The Vibrating Fitness Platform does all the work for you! You can choose to do a 15-minute workout or a 30-minute workout, which is great if you only have a little bit of time in your day.

One of the best things about this machine was that I could use it while doing anything else – like watching TV. This may not be the case for everyone, but I like to multi-task while doing things, so this was perfect for me.

It can also be used indoors or outdoors, which is another reason it’s great if you only have a little bit of time in your day – take it outside and get some fresh air!

How Did It Make Me Feel?

After using this fitness platform, I felt energized and refreshed. It was like having a workout without actually setting foot in the gym! Within just 30 days (just two months), I noticed that my energy levels had gone up significantly, making me more productive at work.

This machine is also known to help with weight loss over time, so I was excited to see if it would work for me. I used this machine for about 30 minutes every day, and by the end of the month, I had lost about 6 inches off my waist.

However, that wasn’t all that changed – I felt slimmer in my clothes and looked more toned in the areas I was working on. These results made me feel confident, and they helped me lose some weight as well!

How do I make sure it’s safe for me to use?

Make sure you read and follow all instructions thoroughly. You should also consult your doctor before using this machine to ensure it’s safe for you to use, especially if you have any existing medical conditions.

Final Verdict

The Medic Therapeutics Vibrating Fitness Platform is a great way to get in shape without having to go to the gym or even leave your house. With four speeds and levels of resistance, this machine can be used by anyone at their own pace – which is perfect if you don’t like competitive workouts. It’s also small enough to take with you wherever you go, and there’s no power cord needed!

So if you’re looking for a way to get in shape, the Vibrating Fitness Platform is something worth considering. It helped me lose weight and keep it off over time, which I think would benefit someone who wants to start working out but doesn’t know how or where they’ll fit it into their schedule.
